Tuesday, January 2, 2007

My Research

Today i started to really research AIDS. i know that i want to focus on the stigma that is associated with AIDS, but a lot of the research just focused here in America. It talked about how many people think that AIDS is the "gay mans" disease. But what i really want to focus on is whey people don't get tested for AIDS, what is it that makes them think they cant get it. Is it just the lack of knowledge, or is it shameful in their community. What beliefs do they have towards AIDS, and why do they feel this way. Most of these beliefs occur in different countries, especially poor countries.
I was surprised to read that South Africa's leader did not believe that HIV caused AIDS. So the government there didn't support AIDS research. It was only "In August 2003, the South African government gave in to public pressure and made plans for the widespread use of anti-HIV medicines to treat people who test positive for HIV/AIDS." (pg 23, 21st Century Issues, AIDS) This surprised me because i know that AIDS is a huge problem in Africa, and it kills over 8,000 people a day throughout the world. A problem like that happening to the African community should have been recognized earlier. If that had happened maybe there would not be so many orphans and widows, and maybe Africa would not be such a poor country.

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